What's the difference between standard smoke detectors vs. monitored fire alarms in Memphis?

In the Memphis smoke detector vs. monitored fire alarm discussion, one device rises over the other. Smoke detectors are a vital consideration in guarding your place from emergency situations, but they have a few concerning shortcomings. On the other hand, monitored fire alarms have more means to detect an emergency and can reach out to your support team when the unthinkable happens. Pairing your fire alarms to a security system also delivers various extra perks that your regular smoke detectors can only wish for.
Your ordinary smoke alarms in Memphis may be falling short
Fire safety is a crucial consideration, and smoke detectors perform a vital part in shielding your family. Even so, smoke detectors have various drawbacks. To illustrate, they are only able to identify smoke, not high temps. If there is a fire in your home, you would not be warned until the smoke ascends to the smoke detector. Although there are further significant signals of fire -- including a marked heat increase -- if you don’t have smoke, you won’t have a warning from your smoke detector.
In addition, smoke detectors only beep if they find ample smoke. When a fire creeps along slowly at first, you may not be alerted until the flames are out of control. Some smoke detectors use dual sensors, which means they will detect smoke from both roaring flames and a more gradual burn. Then when they sound their alarm, it's up to the resident to call the fire department after exiting the premises.
Monitored fire alarms do much more than ordinary smoke detectors
While they look like traditional smoke detectors, monitored fire alarms can do much more. If integrated to a complete home security system, they will:
- Detect fire with different sensor types: Comparable to a standard smoke detector, the monitored alarm can engage from a roaring blaze or smoldering embers. It will sound a high-decibel alarm when it senses a potential disaster.
- Discover fire due to a abrupt temperature increase: Your monitored fire alarm may even trigger if it discerns an unusual increase in heat. Frequently, heat comes prior to smoke. Having additional means to identify a fire means more means to protect your loved ones.
- Notifies your dedicated monitoring specialists: Fires may happen when you are on site or somewhere else. Regardless, your fire alarms will notify your monitoring team, who can rapidly place a call to the fire department. When every moment matters, it's great to know that somebody is always looking out for your home.
- Connects to home automation: Even though the primary job of a fire alarm is to detect fire and call for help, it will also connect to other automated components. To illustrate, a activated alarm might prompt your system to turn on the exhaust fan to hinder the flames or trigger the lights so you may find the quickest way out of the property.
Your monitored fire alarms are an important aspect of a complete smart home
The easiest method to get the most from your fire alarms is to connect them with a Vivint home security system. Speak with a Vivint specialist today and discover the most suitable smart home for your needs. Diall (901) 763-6618 or complete the form below to begin.